In 1983, Michel Lemieux and Victor Pilon combined their talents as creators and stage directors to found their own company, Lemieux Pilon 4D Art. These two internationally renowned artists create hybrid productions that merge reality and virtuality, performing arts and new media. Lemieux and Pilon’s creations such as NORMAN, Shakespeare's The Tempest, Orféo, and Anima have been performed all over the world. The duo also created, directed and designed DELIRIUM for Cirque du Soleil, and both the Opéra de Québec and the Opéra de Montréal presented their highly regarded stage direction of Starmania Opéra to sold-out houses. Lemieux Pilon 4D Art is supported by the Conseil de arts et des lettres du Québec, the Canada Council for the Arts, and the Conseil des arts de Montréal.